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Item id: 710 Star Trek, Tridimensional Chess Set by Franklin Mint (click here to email inquiry regarding this item)
Description: The official Franklin Mint, Star Trek 3-D chess set. Based upon the futuristic chess game, played on board of the star ship the USS Enterprise, between Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock, in the classic episode "Where no man has gone before." Chess set was made for a short time only and available in 1994. The chess set is made of three large (4x4) playing plus four smaller (2x2), movable, attack boards. The playing pieces are precision cast, one side coated with sterling silver the other 24-karat gold. Each piece is dated and stamped. Also included some paperwork / booklet that came with the set. Pieces in pristine condition. 3D playing field in excellent condition, show a little aging but all intact, nothing broken or scratched. For Sale
Recorded: 2014-04-17
Image: thumbnail
Type: Set
Material: Metal
Origin: USA
Height: 1.625
Lenght: 0.75
Width: 0.75
For sale: Yes
Total images: 16
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