ChessCollector09Chess Sets Collection *** 609-635-1122
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Item id: 735 Vintage, unique colorful reproduction of 18th C. Ceylon Chess set (click here to email inquiry regarding this item)
Description: Charming Burmese style chess set. Reproduction molded in gypsum of the original Ivory set. Made in Tasmania and hand painted in Red and Green. King and Queen inn seated position wearing traditional headdress; Queen s hands appear Budhha-like; Cone shape Bishops, elephants for Castle and beehive-like pawns are typical to Burma; Complete the set are Knights in "begging" posture. Reference: Cultures, Chess & Art by Ned Munger, Vol 3. Sale. 2023.
Recorded: 2023-07-28
Type: Set
Material: Ceramics
Origin: Myanmar
King/Height: 5.25
Base/Length: 1.5
Base/Width: 1.5
For Sale: Yes
Total images: 15
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End of item: Vintage, unique colorful reproduction of 18th C. Ceylon Chess set

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